
A comedy series that takes places in a city called Al-Sedrah, in which a superhero named Bat Knight emerges to defend the people of the city and solve their problems.

Year: 2018 Cast: Khalid Muthafar Sultan Al Fharaj Noof El Sultan Abdullah-alramyan Meshary Al-Mojeabel
Genre: Comedy Director: Mohammed Daham Al-Shammari
Languages: Arabic
No Episode Name Episode Synopsis Runtime
#1 Bat knight – 01 Meet the people of Al-Sedra, who are living in fear of Al Kobkonb and his men – a gang who are stealing all their possesions. 20 mins
#2 Bat knight – 02 The identity of the superhero who caught some of Al Kobkob’s men in the middle of the night is unknown, but the people of Al sedra pleased. 20 mins
#3 Bat knight – 03 Al Kobkob strikes again, and Mahboob is having second thoughts of being a superhero. 20 mins
#4 Bat knight – 04 Some shrimps have dissappeared from Al Sedra, and batknight is asked by the police department to help them solve this case. 20 mins
#5 Bat knight – 05 A villian named Al Sousa has escaped from the prison, causing a new threat to Al Sedra. 20 mins

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