
An animated series that revolves around Captain Azzouz who inherits a plane from his grandfather and decides to open his own aviation police station at Imbaba airport and bring all his friends, where they all are exposed to comical situations.

Year: 2018 Cast: Sameh Hussein, Mohammed Tharwat, Eman Al-Sayyed, Bayyumy Fouad
Genre: Animation Comedy Director: Abdallah Nabil
Languages: Arabic
No Episode Name Episode Synopsis Runtime
#1 Captain Azouz – 01 After losing the lion Sultan, Azouz is forced to dress up as a lion and stay at the zoo. 30 mins
#2 Captain Azouz – 02 The team decides to use Forrera, the plane-submarine hybrid, for food serving and look for out of the box meals to be served. 30 mins
#3 Captain Azouz – 03 Captain Azouz takes part in an interview to tell the story of how he came to own his plane, Forrera. 30 mins
#4 Captain Azouz – 04 Azouz, Sayed and heista take part in an action movie when they are mistaken for the real cast. 30 mins
#5 Captain Azouz – 05 Hesita is kidnapped and replaced with a secret agent who is sent to learn more about the Forrera. 30 mins

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