
David Attenborough presents a collection of his favourite natural curiosities found throughout the animal kingdom from armoured giants to crafty insects.

Year: 2017 Cast: David Attenborough, Guy Chapelier
Genre: Wildlife Director: Humble Bee Films
Languages: English
No Episode Name Episode Synopsis Runtime
#1 Animal Frankensteins Hybrids can be bizarre and they can be deadly. We look at two hybrid animals that owe their existence to human interference 30 mins
#2 Finding the Way Homing pigeons are specially trained for competitive use of their natural ability to navigate (back, home) in flight, which in Cher Ami’s case saved near 200 allied troop lives in the Great War. 30 mins
#3 Extreme Babies When the giant panda was discovered in Chine by a French missionary, zoological disputes began whether the black-white bamboo eater is a bear. 30 mins
#4 Curious Counters Can animals count? This is a question that has intrigued and fooled investigators for a long time. 30 mins

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