
Secret Lives of the Super Rich is an American television series, hosted by Robert Frank (X)’, airing on CNBC. The series explores how wealthy people live, what they buy and how they travel.

Year: 2018 Cast: Jacob Arabo, Robert Frank, Kent Speakman
Genre: Lifestyle Director: Ray Parisi
Languages: English
No Episode Name Episode Synopsis Runtime
#1 Malibu Castle & Drinks with Mr. Wonderful The most expensive mansion in Malibu; “Shark Tank” investor Kevin O’Leary’s $65K whisky order; a real-estate tycoon driving his car right into a bay. 30 mins
#2 Kim K’s Gold-Eating Bestie & Ferrari Donuts Meet Kim Kardashian’s gold-eating bestie: Foodgod. Find out why the most over-the-top mega-mansion in New Jersey has been sitting empty for nearly a decade. 30 mins
#3 Meet the super-rich surfer who has the coolest bachelor pad in SoCal. See a Wall Street bigwig have his private jet transformed into a flying office. 30 mins
#4 Rock Star Living & $30 Million Superyacht Inside the Hollywood mansion designed by rock ‘n’ roll legend Lenny Kravitz; on board a $30 million superyacht; a helicopter trip to a heart-shaped private island. 30 mins
#5 Oil Tycoon’s $250M Ranch & Looking for Love A tour of billionaire financier Boone Pickens; Texas-sized ranch; a wealthy millennial goes luxury watch shopping; the secret lounge for Lamborghini-loving VIPs. 30 mins

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