
The show tells the story of two people from two different social classes who fall in love. Their unusual relationship develops and they eventually get married.

Year: 2018 Cast: Abed Fahed, Nadin Naseb Njeim, Zeina Maki, Nahla Akl Dawoud, Majdi Machmouchi
Genre: Drama Director: Rasha Sharbatgy
Languages: Arabic
No Episode Name Episode Synopsis Runtime
#1 Tareek – 01 Jaber Sultan visits a property for sale, but a beautiful strong woman is blocking the way, preventing anyone from getting close to her “home”. 45 mins
#2 Tareek – 02 Amira finds out that she is facing a legal dead end, and wil have to her home behind. She looks for a new job to secure the rent for a new house and assesses the possibilty of convicing Jaber. 45 mins
#3 Tareek – 03 Amira finds a job, through not the one she wants at an import/export company while Jaber is about to launch a new restaurant. 45 mins
#4 Tareek – 04 Suheil, Jaber’s brother, fails to persuade Jaber to entrust him with the opening of their mother’s will and decided to go back home. On the way back, Suheil is ambushed and kidnapped. 45 mins
#5 Tareek – 05 Jaber wakes up to the news of his kidnapped brother and lives in a state of confusion and fear. Amira, on the other hand is dissatisfied with the working environment and with her boss Ghassan’s actions 45 mins

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